A Richer LMS Experience


A Richer LMS Experience

Coggno Inc. | Jan, 6 2009

Google and other companies are pushing the notion that relying on one particular computer for any software, including courseware or LMS material, will someday be considered archaic. Companies like Google, which offers its open suite of programs as an alternative to costly ones like Microsoft Windows, claim that open source software is inevitable.

And Google has been consistent in insisting that its goal is to make the internet a better place. Competition isn’t what matters, its spokespersons repeat–what matters is making the internet experience richer and better.

In doing so, LMS and other educational software companies will be able to create revenue streams in new ways. Courseware and LMS companies will have to rely on indirect revenue rather than direct. But is cloud computing truly inevitable? While some have serious doubts, others believe it’s only a matter of time before we won’t be paying a penny for all the software under the sun.


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