Coggno Learning Management System deploys in Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Russian into its User Interface


Coggno Learning Management System deploys in Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Russian into its User Interface

Coggno Inc. | May, 10 2011

(May 9, 2011, San Jose, CA) Coggno Learning Management System, the premier online distributor of electronic educational and training curriculum, has released multi language versions of its user interface. Coggno will now be available for use in Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, and German, enhancing learner experiences over a broad geographic area and helping the company serve clients throughout South America, and Europe, making it the only entity capable of providing this level of functionality to users in languages other than English.

The integration of these languages will allow for seamless, integrated learner experiences in countries other than the United States, allowing students and trainees to log into one convenientlocation and complete curriculum in their mother tongue.This enhances the reach of Coggno’s software, enabling it to become an integral part of organizations, and educational institutions that are spearheading the drive towards online learning. All of Coggno’s tools and functionality is now available in the multi-lingual format, and can easily be toggled to through a button in the user interface. Students and trainees will enjoy optimum ease of use through the state-of-the-art technology Coggno affords and all users can take advantage of the system in their home language.

Tod Browndorf, Vice President of Content Management at Coggno, commented, “This greatly expands the reach of hat Coggno is trying to accomplish, it provides a robust resource to training and educational professionals in Al Spanish speaking countries, Brazil, Portugal, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, German. The capacity to effect peoples learning experiences is enormous, and we are excited to be facilitating this for our learners around the world”. ” Additionally, corporations in other countries can no enjoy significant savings on travel and training expenses by empowering employees to learn in their own language

The Coggno Learning Management System enables all types of organizations to use technology to provide educational services through high-quality online curriculum that is universally accessible. Coggno’s executive team and advisors deliver content and relevant training through state-of-the art technology that allows participants to interact with the educational vehicle. For more information, please visit Coggno’s Web site.

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