Enhancing a Language Learning System with Videos, Pt. 1


Enhancing a Language Learning System with Videos, Pt. 1

Coggno Inc. | Feb, 23 2009

Complementing a Language Learning System with Videos, Pt. 1In both LMS and traditional language courses, educators can use video resources in a number of ways to complement a learning system. The key is to have fun with it, and be creative!

Divide students into groups. Play about five minutes of the video without sound, and have students write the dialogue. This short learning system gives students a chance not only to display their understanding of the cultural or situational context, but also use their imagination and creativity.

If you’re playing a TV show or other story-based video, ask students to write a new beginning, middle or end to the show. Ask students to identify the conflict before you play the solution to the problem. You can also have them come up with their own solution before revealing the show’s, and then compare them.


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