Four Texture-Lending Tips for Language Course Podcasts


Four Texture-Lending Tips for Language Course Podcasts

Coggno Inc. | May, 19 2010

What kind of content should you include in your LMS language training courses podcast? Choosing interesting material is a subjective task, since everyone has a different concept of what’s actually interesting. However, it’s the way in which you present the information that makes or breaks your podcast. Here are four texture-lending tips.

First, keep in mind that interesting audio information–especially for language podcasts–is that which varies in texture and tone. Speak slowly, and keep the tone light and fun.

Second, intersperse music, pieces of interviews, sound bites, etc. throughout your podcast. This is a great way to lend it texture and continuity.

Third, use conversational dialogue. Your listener should feel like the podcaster is speaking directly to him or her rather than reading from a script.

Fourth, you can also record interviews and discussions, or include clips of these kinds of dialogues.

Podcasts are easy to create, produce, and share, and listeners don’t need any special hardware to listen to them. Since normally podcasts are in the form of mp3 files, they are accessible to all learners.

Ready to try creating your own podcast? Creating a podcast is simple using Apple’s Podcast Producer, a simple and automatic audio editing program. Coggno is one Learning Management System which includes the Apple Podcast Producer as part of its pack of user-friendly tools.

Besides listening to podcasts, language students can watch videos, simulations and screen recordings through Coggno’s LMS. They can complete comprehensive tests and assessments interacting with a simple interface.

Coggno is now offering a free trial for online course creators on its learning management system. Create an online course for free, either for internal use, Coggno’s E-learning Marketplace, or for outside syndication on hundreds of websites.

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