Needs Versus Wants in Learning Management Systems


Needs Versus Wants in Learning Management Systems

Coggno Inc. | Oct, 7 2008

Needs Versus Wants in Learning Management SystemsUnderstanding what each learning management system has to offer is an obvious first step in deciding which LMS is best for you. When selecting, ask yourself “Does the LMS provide all the features I need?” Different learning management systems offer a wide variety of different functions.

But beyond ensuring that the LMS you’re looking at has all the stuff you need, it’s wise to consider all the functions the LMS might provide that you won’t be using. In many cases, you’re paying for those extra functions on top of the ones you’ll actually use. Sure, that extra feature might look cool, but do you really need it? To avoid paying more for your learning management system, it’s best not to choose an LMS with functions and features you don’t need and will never use.

———- offers a wide variety of premier LMS platforms.

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