8 Strategies Addressing How to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

online sexual harassment prevention training

8 Strategies Addressing How to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Anjali Dalal | Feb, 22 2024

How to Prevent Sexual Harassment: 8 Effective Strategies to Pursue


Sexual Harassment. Just these two words send a chill down your spine. Whether it’s the physical, verbal, or emotional kind, dealing with harassment is a nightmare. Sadly, sexual harassment is all too common nowadays.

To tackle the sexual harassment issue head-on, New York City (NYC) has made it mandatory for businesses with 15 or more employees to provide harassment prevention training. But let’s face it, employees these days are swamped with work. Finding time for traditional offline harassment training is like finding a needle in a haystack. Luckily, online harassment training solutions are here to save the day, making it easier and more cost-effective to ensure all employees get the training they need.

Coggno, an online marketplace for enterprise training, offers sexual harassment training courses that meet NYC training requirements. This blog post will spill the beans on seven effective strategies to meet sexual harassment prevention training requirements.

Keep reading to prevent harassment!

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8 Ways to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace


1. Get Crystal Clear On Sexual Harassment

The first step to ace sexual harassment prevention training is ensuring everyone knows exactly what qualifies as sexual harassment. Let your employees know that sexual harassment is not just about obvious like unwelcome advances or requests for favors. It includes any behavior—verbal or physical—that’s sexual in nature and makes someone uncomfortable. Ensure your team completes sexual harassment training and understands why preventing it is a big deal.

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (Course)


2. Talk About The Fallout

Defining sexual harassment is one thing; understanding its impact is another. It’s crucial to discuss how workplace harassment can drag down morale, tank productivity, and even mess with someone’s career. With the right sexual harassment training, your employees will understand the real-life consequences and see why nipping it in the bud is so important.

The Respectful Workplace: New York Manager


3. Keep It Real With Scenarios

Nothing beats hands-on experience. That’s why real-life examples are gold. Coggno offers courses that help your team understand situations that can happen in the real world. It allows your team to learn from real-life examples and helps them recognize and shut down harassment.

Understanding Harassment


4. Stress The Importance Of Speaking Up

Reporting harassment is non-negotiable. Sadly, many cases go unreported because employees fear retaliation or don’t know how and to whom to speak up. By highlighting the reporting process and the protections in place for whistleblowers, you’ll empower your team to step up if they witness or experience harassment.

New York State Anti-Harassment


6. Train Up Bystanders Too

It’s not just the victims who can stop harassment in its tracks; bystanders also have a role to play. Bystander intervention training teaches your team how to step in when they see something sketchy going down. This workplace harassment training gives them the confidence to speak out and stop any inappropriate behavior.

Bystander Intervention And Sexual Harassment Course


7. Make Training Accessible

Everybody deserves a shot at the training, no matter their abilities. Employers and supervisors must offer compliance training in multiple options like captioning, multilingual courses, or audio descriptions. When everyone can participate fully, you’ve got a level playing field.

Prevención Del Acoso Sexual Para Empleados Course


8. Check Progress And Tweaks As Needed

Keep an eye on how your team’s doing during the training and gather feedback to see what’s working and what’s not. This intel will help you fill in any gaps and keep the training on point.

New York Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (Course)


What Mistakes To Avoid When Providing Sexual Harassment Prevention Training?

Online harassment prevention training is a way to go, but there are a few slip-ups to avoid:

Not Taking The Training Seriously

Take the training seriously. Only then your team will take it seriously. If they see you’re all in and involved in the training, they’ll follow suit.

New York City Understanding Harassment


No One-Size-Fits-All

Tailor the training to your company’s needs. Generic, cookie-cutter training won’t work all the time. Make the training relevant to your company’s situation and work environment.


Support Matters

Don’t just stop at training completion. Your job is not done yet. Offer resources and support, like HR help and reporting options, to keep the momentum going.

HR Best Practices


Welcome Queries And Questions

Encourage your team to ask questions, voice their concerns, and clear up any confusion. Your team’s got to be on the same page for this to work.

Maximize Training, Minimize Costs With Coggno Prime


Regular Tune-Ups

Don’t let the training gather dust. Keep it fresh by checking in regularly and tweaking it as needed. Also, keep your training in line with government rules and regulations.

New York City Understanding Harassment: 05. Review


A close up of a Coggno Extensive Library of over 10000 courses image


The Bottom Line

Sexual harassment prevention training is a big step toward a safer, happier workplace. And with online training from Coggno, it’s never been easier to provide sexual harassment training and train employees. So, what are you waiting for? Buy workplace training programs from Coggno and get your team trained up today!



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