The Most Wonderful Time of the Year


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Tod Browndorf | Sep, 6 2012

One of the most entertaining things about Facebook (at least for me), is finding George Takei’s postings in my news feed. If you haven’t “liked” Mr. Takei’s Facebook page yet, I suggest you do so immediately if not sooner. He’s a prolific sharer of some of the funniest memes on the Internet.

Last week, Mr. Takei shared an image of a sign that said, “School Starts Sept. 4. Resistance is Futile.” Now, we all know that not every student (and maybe some teachers for that matter) is eager to begin the school year. But, resisting education can certainly be a bad thing. I won’t get into the “Resistance is Futile” reference as it relates to Star Trek: The Next Generation, but the statement is true in the sense that resistance to technological advancements in education is not only futile, it is downright dumb.

I for one am celebrating the new term, even though I am far removed from the classroom, by asking educators and students alike to give technology a chance. Now is the time to think about how teachers can improve their methods, and students to think about what they hope to gain through learning. The traditional classroom experience is undergoing a metamorphosis, and those of us who are not prepared for the changes better get prepared right quick. We need to expand our learning horizons, and embrace the technology that has changed our lives in so many ways.

Teachers: Think about how to broaden your horizons by making your classroom available to students all over the world. This can be done at any grade level and can benefit everyone. Coggno can help by uploading your courses to our online learning marketplace, making them available to millions of people.

Content creators: You can earn extra money by selling your courses online quickly and easily by signing up with Coggno to distribute your courses. Again, millions of people come to us looking for all types of Personal Development courses. This is your best opportunity to share your knowledge with the world.

Students: Find supplementary online training courses for just about anything. You don’t even have to be in school. All you need is a desire to learn. We help with the rest.

Finally, to everyone: Good luck in the new school year. Your educational goals are within reach, be they in the classroom, in the work place and yes, even online. Now, you can literally take school with you wherever you go.

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