Coggno and UL Partnership for Global Safety and Compliance Training

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Elevating Global Safety and Compliance: An In-depth Analysis of the Coggno and UL Training Collaboration


marketplace of courses


increase in course purchases


course languages available


increase in user satisfaction


decrease in workplace hazards

Problem Statement

In an increasingly globalized world, companies, warehouses, factories, and plants around the world face significant challenges in ensuring safety and compliance. The complexities of different regulations, languages, and cultural practices make providing consistent, high-quality training to all employees difficult.

This challenge is further amplified by the sheer volume of employees and the diversity of industries that need to be addressed.


To tackle this problem, Coggno, a leading online training marketplace, partnered with UL, a global safety certification company. The partnership aimed to leverage the strengths of both companies to deliver best-in-class safety and compliance training to organizations worldwide.
With its extensive experience and reputation in safety certification, UL provided the content and expertise necessary for the training.

Coggno, with its robust online training platform, facilitated the delivery of these courses to a global audience.


The implementation of this solution involved the integration of UL's content into Coggno's online training platform. This process required careful planning and execution to ensure the courses were accurately translated and culturally adapted for different regions. The platform was also designed to be user-friendly and accessible, allowing employees of all skill levels to participate in the training.


Increase in Course Purchases
Since the inception of the partnership, there has been a 70% increase in course purchases on the Coggno platform. This indicates a high demand for quality safety and compliance training and the success of the partnership in meeting this demand.
Decrease in Workplace Hazards
Companies implementing the training programs have reported a 40% decrease in workplace hazards. This demonstrates the direct impact of the training on improving workplace safety.
User Satisfaction
User satisfaction rates have soared to 90%, reflecting the high quality of the courses and the ease of access provided by the Coggno platform.
User Engagement
The level of user engagement with the courses can also serve as an important metric. The number of course completions can measure the average score on assessments and user feedback.

Result and Impact

The partnership has resulted in a marketplace of over 1000+ courses, demonstrating the breadth of training available.

There has been a 50% increase in compliance rates among companies using the training programs. This shows the effectiveness of the courses in helping companies meet regulatory standards.

The courses are available in multiple languages, indicating the partnership’s commitment to serving a diverse, global workforce.


The partnership between Coggno and UL has successfully addressed a global need for comprehensive, accessible, and high-quality safety and compliance training.

The impressive improvements in key metrics underscore the effectiveness of their solution in enhancing workplace safety, increasing compliance, and boosting user satisfaction. As they continue to expand their course offerings and reach, they are set to make an even greater impact on industries around the world.
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Online Training Courses

Online Training courses

Coggno is a universe of online courses created by industry experts delivered in an intuitive Learning Platform.