Coggno Connect

Reach and collaborate quickly, hassle-free.

More Features

Breakout Rooms

Breakout Rooms

Further collaboration by grouping participants in their respective breakout rooms.

Multi-User Whiteboard

Multi-User Whiteboard

Multi-User Whiteboard



Effective discussions made easy even when you are miles apart. Hold visual meetings and you're good to go.



Host meetings with first-rate audio quality. Presenter has the option to mute all participants and avoid any background noise.



Quick-pulse your participants in the meeting room.



Make meetings more engaging and express yourself with quick emoji status.

Features You'll Love

Personalized Rooms

Coggno Connect allows you to create meeting rooms and connect with your employees and co-workers in a private and secure environment.

Coggno connect meeting rooms
Coggno connect security


We don’t store administrative passwords. Your connection is encrypted and secured by SSL. When you send the link we don’t ask for emails or passwords to access Coggno Connect, just a name.

Add TO Google Calender

Add and schedule your meetings in your Google Calendar. Send a quick invite to your audience with a link to the meeting from your Google Calendar.

Coggno connect calendar
Coggno connect screen sharing


Yes to constructive meetings! Share ideas and present report in many ways: Quick screen share, upload presentation, even share an external video. You choose.

Coggno connect chat box


A public and private chatbox to people inside the meeting. Attendees can chat with fellow attendees privately or in the general chatroom.

Mobile Access

Host or join Coggno Connect meetings from mobile devices.

Coggno connect mobile access

Fresh and relevant training

Program awaits to boost your workforce's skills and competencies