Clear Courseware System Instructions


Clear Courseware System Instructions

Coggno Inc. | Nov, 21 2008

Clear Courseware System Instructions Most video game begin with some kind of narrative to get the player invested in the game. Present your courseware system learners with a dialogue between two people, or as a series of images that relate a sequence of events.

Creating a narrative helps to reel the learner into your courseware system. Visuals and dialogue are a winning combination, but both aren’t absolutely necessary. Be creative and let your learner indulge in the story. He or she is about to interact with the courseware system, and you’re setting the tone for them to get started.

Following the game model, guide your learners, setting clear instructions about they are meant to interact with the course. Clarity is essential–there’s nothing more frustrating than clicking a mouse a dozen times when all you needed to do was press enter. Make the method of interaction simple and consistent.

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