Conflict Resolution Learning System Funding: Donations and Grants


Conflict Resolution Learning System Funding: Donations and Grants

Coggno Inc. | Dec, 15 2008

If you’re searching for funding for a conflict resolution learning system, your school district isn’t the only resource available. You can also seek donations and apply for grants. Donations can be the result of school fundraising activities. Donations are given by people who believe they supporting an important cause. For learning systems such as peer mediation training, donations are often rewarded more swiftly and easily than a grant.

Foundations and organizations normally reward grants to schools based on the perceived merits of a proposed project and its expected outcomes. When applying for a grant, it’s critical to understand the values and priorities of the grantmaker, and to reflect them in your grant proposal. When writing grants for a conflict resolution learning system, keep in mind the fact that grantmakers view awards as investments in an improved future.

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