Courseware System Fluidity


Courseware System Fluidity

Coggno Inc. | Nov, 24 2008

Courseware System FluidityHow can you help prevent your readers from skipping over any of your precious courseware system content? Follow some simple guidelines to help ensure that learners won’t skim or even skip passages.

One way is to keep your sentences short. You’re aiming for a sense of flow in your courseware system content. Along with a natural voice, short sentences will help maintain text fluidity.

Additionally, in each section, the first two paragraphs should state the most important information. Courseware system learners generally read the first two paragraphs to understand what they’re about to read, and in some cases, to decide whether it’s worth reading. Another way to help prevent light scanning is to begin subheads, paragraphs and bullet points with information-charged words. Readers will take note of them when scanning the left side of your content with their F-shape behavior.

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